Tag Archives: soldering

Officially Welcoming Mr. Bisteries to Brilliance Found Jewelry!

I started designing jewelry for my own use when I was very young; making tiny rings, beaded toe rings & my famous “pierceless” earrings. I would sell creations part time every now & then, at garage sales & craft shows, but I never thought of it as anything other than a casual hobby.

It wasn’t until last summer (2009) when I got the idea to try to sell my jewelry legitimately, online, through artfire & etsy. Up until last year, it never even crossed by mind that I could own my own business. Now, fast-forward a year & I’m maintaining a booming online business, which has sold jewelry to cutting-edge fashionistas worldwide.

What changed?

I met Mr. Bisteries!

Mr. Bisteries & Scottish Fold.

Who is Mr. Bisteries? If you have ordered from Brilliance Found, your order has been carefully packaged & delivered to the post office by Mr. Bisteries. He’s also famously seen in some of my product pictures, modeling my “Pierceless earrings“, & he keeps me stocked up with creative juice (which can be purchased at Tim Horton’s under the trade name of “Steeped Tea“). But beyond all this, he was the one that encouraged me to start selling my jewelry online. Mr. Bisteries is an entrepreneur himself & developed his first successful business venture when he was still in highschool. Ever since then, he’s been busy figuring out new ways to make money from the hobbies he enjoys. When I first met him, I still believed that a job had to be “work” — full of early mornings, grumbling & demanding bosses. Then I found etsy (an online venue for crafters & artisans) & I was inspired by all the jewelry shops I came across. How exciting would it be to sell jewelry online? It was a huge, new concept for me & Mr. Bisteries was encouraging right from the very beginning. But little did he know how my business would take on a life of it’s own!

This past month has been a busy time for Brilliance Found Jewelry, between relocating from Lethbridge, Alberta to Vancouver, Canada & being overwhelmed by recent publicity Brilliance Found Jewelry has been receiving from blogs across the internet. This sudden (& unexpected!) increase in orders has really been keeping my hands full — since most of my jewelry is made-to-order & sized exactly for you, it doesn’t take long to be fully swamped with orders!

Mr. Bisteries modeling for Brilliance Found Jewelry

Lately Mr. Bisteries has been working behind the scenes in a new way, learning how to solder brass, copper & sterling silver. Starting in July, he’ll be working full-time for Brilliance Found, helping solder my unique statement rings! Mr. Bisteries brings a decade of soldering experience from his work in the automotive/car engine industry to the delicate work of metalsmithing & soldering jewelry. The solder we use for jewelry is a little different than the kind he’s used to, but he’s a natural. He is a quick learner & his patience & attention to detail make him a great addition to Brilliance Found Jewelry! Now, during busy periods we can split up the work & create quicker. This will allow us to keep our turnaround time down while still provide us with some time to continue expanding my jewelry line. We make a great team & look forward to producing many new designs in the coming months for you to enjoy.

Soldered statement rings by Brilliance Found Jewelry

Brilliance Found Jewelry won’t be back to peak capacity until early July. Mr. Bisteries is now back in Alberta, preparing for his big move to BC. So I’m temporarily in charge of all the orders again — responding to inquiries, designing, creating, packing & shipping. I’m at a 2 week wait for made-to-order items, but as always, I’ll keep in contact every step of the way. Thank you for your patience during this busy, exciting time! We are moving into our new apartment June 30th & setting up our workshop shortly after.

Keep your eyes out in July for new designs & a whole new look for Brilliance Found!